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rhetorician 例句

1、Ausonius, for instance, apostrophizes the rhetorician Attius Patera as sprung from a race of Druids.     例如,奥索尼乌斯将修辞学家阿提乌斯·帕特拉(Attius Patera)贬为德鲁伊种族的后裔。

2、Clement professed to despite rhetoric, but was himself a rhetorician, and his style is turgid, involved and difficult.     克莱门特声称尽管有修辞,但他自己是一个修辞学家,他的风格是浮夸的,复杂的和困难的。

3、A second and slightly divergent list from the hand of a Byzantine rhetorician has been incorporated in the works of Philo of Byzantium.     拜占庭的菲洛的作品中包含了拜占庭修辞学家手中的第二份略有不同的清单。

4、As a rhetorician, he was a determined opponent of Isocrates and his school.     作为一名修辞学家,他坚决反对Isocrates和他的学派。

5、Bion, when a young man, was sold as a slave to a rhetorician, who gave him his freedom and made him his heir.     比昂年轻时被一位修辞学家作为奴隶卖给他,修辞学家给了他自由,并让他成为继承人。

6、Reference is there made to Philostratus as the son of Verus, a rhetorician in Nero’s time, who wrote tragedies, comedies and treatises.     书中提到菲洛斯特拉特斯是尼禄时代的修辞学家维鲁斯的儿子,他写过悲剧、喜剧和论文。

7、The wandering sophist and rhetorician would find a hearing no less than the musical artist.     游荡的智者和修辞学家会发现自己的听觉不亚于音乐艺术家。

8、Junius Gallio, a rhetorician of some repute, from whom he took the name of Junius Gallio.     朱尼乌斯·加利奥,一位颇有名望的修辞学家,他从他那里取名为朱尼乌斯·加利奥。

9、Some consider this the work of a rhetorician of later date.     有些人认为这是后来的一位修辞学家的作品。

10、50o), Bentley sufficiently proved that the letters were written by a sophist or rhetorician (possibly Adrianus of Tyre, died c. A.D.     本特利充分证明了这些信是由一位智者或修辞学家写的(可能是提尔的阿德里亚努斯,死于公元前50年)。

11、But he is, on the whole, more essentially a great rhetorician than a great poet.     但总的来说,与其说他是一位伟大的诗人,不如说他更本质上是一位伟大的修辞家。

12、Henceforth he ranked as a rhetorician and a poet of European celebrity, the guest of princes, and the ambassador to royal courts.     此后,他被列为修辞学家、欧洲名人诗人、王子的客人和皇家宫廷大使。

13、Universal history was begun by Ephorus, the rhetorician, and formed the theme of Polybius and Deodorus.     世界史是由修辞学家埃弗勒斯开创的,并形成了波里比乌斯和德奥多罗斯的主题。

14、You see, I am not a good rhetorician at all!     你看,我根本不是一个好的修辞家!

15、Relevance theory The rhetorician ‘s dilemma is a special case of an even more fundamental problem in the study of human communication.     关联理论修辞学家的困境是人类交际研究中一个更基本问题的特例。

16、You see, I am not a good rhetorician at all !     你看,我根本不是一个好的修辞家!

17、As an African-American rhetorician and Twain scholar, she eloquently makes the case for book ‘s continued study.     作为一名非裔美国修辞学家和吐温学者,她雄辩地为本书的继续研究提供了理由。

18、Gibbon contrasts Agathias as ” a poet and rhetorician ” with Procopius a statesman and soldier.”     吉本将阿加提亚斯比作“诗人和修辞家”,而普罗科皮乌斯则是政治家和士兵。”

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